Countdown to the AP Art show: Bri Brindle


Ever since Bri Brindle was younger, around age 3, she has always been interested in art, and this interest is something that was common among her grandmother, mom, and aunt. In high school, Brindle pursued many art classes including Art I, Art II, Graphic Design, Animation, Ceramics, and AP Art. 

“AP Art is a very fun class,” said Brindle. “Though there is quite a bit of work to do, we always have a blast in it.”

In AP Art each student works on a Sustained Investigation, and Brindle’s focused on ADHD and anxiety and how it affects her time in school and in her life. “I wanted to shed light on it obviously, but it’s something that affects me, and I wanted to share how it feels,” said Brindle

Also in AP Art, each student is supposed to “take a risk” with their art. Brindle chose to make a 3D diorama out of cardboard, and incorporate both highlighters, which portrayed scattered ideas, as well as regular sharpie which conveyed ideas of feeling the need to be organized. 

“I ended up making a small set out of a cardboard box, and it was a good attempt,” said Brindle. “I was happy with my idea because it actually worked. I figured out that highlighter, like normal Sharpie highlighter, when you put it on cardboard, you can’t see it normally, but if you shine a blacklight on it you can see it fine.”

One of Brindle’s favorite pieces she has created was a painting that was based on a reference she took called ‘Sea Isle Sunset.’

“Even though it’s taking me a lot longer to finish it than everyone else’s, and it’s also my first time messing with paint really, it’s turning out much better than I thought it would,” said Brindle.

Outside of AP Art, Brindle continues to create art, including doing character designs and recently, doing anatomy practice. Looking ahead, Brindle plans to pursue art after high school.

“That’s the general plan,” said Brindle. “I’m hoping that I could do something with character design, like either making characters for games or for movies or something.”

Brindle said, “Typically, whenever I draw, if I can at least get a positive reaction out of someone, or if they’re laughing or smiling about it, then, you know, that’s good enough for me.”