Winter break recently came to an end, and its counterpart, spring break, seems so far away. Between the two, which is superior?
In terms of weather, spring break is the better of the two choices. Winter break takes place in the later part of December and the very beginning of January, arguably one of the coldest times of the year, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information. Winter break typically has temperatures in the 30- to 40-degree range (sometimes even colder). Something positive and unique about winter break is that it may bring snow. If the temperatures permit, winter break may include some snowy weather, which, even though it may not be everyone’s favorite, is undeniably nice to look at every once in a while. A downside to the colder weather is early sunsets. During winter break, the sun sets earlier than it would during spring break, which leads to less time to enjoy sunlight and be outside.
During spring break, the weather is definitely warmer, as it typically takes place around the middle of April. The temperatures may range from 50 to 60 degrees, which is warmer than during winter break. Additionally, the sun sets later in the day, making the days longer with more sunlight because daylight saving time has begun.
Everyone’s favorite part of both spring or winter breaks is that you don’t have to attend school. However, for AP students preparing for their exams, spring break may feel more like a hindrance to their study efforts than an actual break. The week off from school with no academic structure may make prioritizing school work harder. In contrast, winter break, which is still far enough from first-semester finals, can feel like a much-needed hiatus from school work.
Winter break is the superior option in terms of seasonal activities that can be done during these breaks. Winter break occurs during the holiday season, which means there are many festive activities to partake in. You can go ice skating in Philadelphia, see the Christmas lights at Rose Tree Park, or admire the festive decorations at the Philadelphia Zoo. During spring break, while there is still much to do, it just doesn’t capture the winter holiday essence that winter break does. “I enjoy winter break more than spring break because I enjoy staying inside and feeling cozy,” said sophomore Cailtyn Gillard.
Overall, winter break is the better option of the two breaks. The seasonal activities, the effective break from school work, and the occasional snow make winter break the all-around better break.