Do you love learning about the world we live in and how it works? Are you interested in different methods of sustainability in order to combat climate change? Well, I have the perfect class for you!
Environmental Science is an amazing course for those who love to learn about our ecosystem, especially those who plan to go into that field after high school. The course details many different systems like power plants, food webs, and other naturally occurring cycles, without overwhelming students.
I took AP Environmental Science this past fall and felt that the pace was very well planned. Despite always working on course content, the class was never too stressful and never had an insane workload. It was also fun, with different engaging activities like a trip to the local stream or making soil in a cup! This class is definitely one to consider if you are looking to add an AP to your schedule next year without causing yourself too much stress.
Even if you are not planning on pursuing a career in environmental science, this class would still be enjoyable. It covers many topics while going into the right amount of detail. For those who are more interested in the subject, this class explores many different areas of study. It definitely offers an introduction to career opportunities.
Environmental Science is a topic I have always been interested in. Before taking the class, I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to pursue, considering all the different career options. The study of Environmental Science includes Ecology, Zoology, Biology, and more. This class helped me discover what parts of the field I was truly interested in.

While we do learn a lot about our environment, the class also focuses on sustainability and how humans can improve their environment. Prominent topics include wastewater treatment, recycling, and renewable energies. These units teach students how each of these systems work and how they make human activity less damaging to ecosystems. On a smaller scale, the class also shows students ways that they can become more sustainable in their daily lives whether it’s recycling the correct material, changing to a meatless diet, or switching detergents.
Much of the new information that I learned in Environmental Science class has become part of my daily life. When I am on a walk, the ordinary things that would have normally gone unnoticed catch my attention. When I am grocery shopping, I can recognize the harmful pollutants in everyday items. Because of this class, these random tidbits of knowledge strengthen my understanding of the environment everyday.
So, when choosing your courses next semester make sure to consider adding Environmental Science. It is one of the best science electives available with its many practical applications, and an added bonus is all the amazing teachers who teach the class!