We’ve looked at mostly all of the aspects of the musical so far, except for one very important part; the production staff who make it all come together and possible. The Production staff of ‘Footloose’ is made up of the Director Heidi Uribe, Assistant Director Ms. Kirsten Montgomery, and Faculty Producer Ms. Kaitlin McCool. They not only guide, direct, lead, and work with the cast from when ‘Footloose’ was chosen as the musical, but also take care of all the things that allow the show to actually happen. It’s kind of a big deal. A very big deal actually, because without them the show really wouldn’t be able to be put on.
Now, the production staff will try and deny this and put it back on the cast and crew, who do also make it possible, it’s just that they share in that responsibility and literally allow it to happen (we’re talkin’ administrative stuff here folks). We at The Fordian asked Faculty Producer and English teacher to work behind the scenes during rehearsal interviewing the other two members of the Production Crew for the paper. For this amazing contribution, we greatly thank her.
Here’s some background on the Production Crew:
Heidi Uribe
- What is your role?
I am the director of Footloose. I steer the ship. I oversee all of the operations and I am the point person for the actors, tech crew, pit orchestra, the parents, and the rest of the productions staff. I block all of the scenes and give students notes about their performances after each rehearsal to help perfect the show and to help them improve their acting. Basically, I’m the boss.
- Were you involved with musicals when you were in high school?
Yes and then I went on to major in musical theater in college. I’ve been singing since I was 10 years old.
- Do you do any theater outside of school?
I used to, but not anymore. I sing in an 11-piece private event band, I’m a hairdresser and I direct both the fall and spring productions here. Time doesn’t really allow me to do plays outside of directing the shows at Haverford. However, one of my favorite shows that I’ve ever been in is called Tony and Tina’s Wedding. I was in the national tour for 5 years.
- How is the show coming?
We’re in great shape and I’m not nervous about it at all!. This is my 8th show that I’ve directed at Haverford and I have every confidence that it going to be amazing. Sometimes the rehearsal process is a little rocky, but it always comes together in the end. The adrenalin from performing in front of an audience usually helps to tie up any loose ends. I think it’s a great show!
- Why should people come to the show?
People underestimate high school theater and there’s a common misconception that the shows will be bad simply because it’s performed by high school students. What most people don’t realize is the depth of talent that we have here at Haverford. For most of our students who are involved in this program, this isn’t the only thing that they are involved in. A lot of them are involved in Wolf Pack, Shooting Stars, and Summer Stage just to name a few. In my opinion, the quality of our productions is close to a professional level because of our super talented kids
Kirsten Montgomery
- What is your role?
I am the assistant director. I assist the lead director in all aspects of the show. I give notes, monitor the students during rehearsals, help keep track of attendance, and anything else that the director or producer may need assistance with.
- Were you involved with musicals when you were in high school?
Yes of course! My favorite show that I was in my sophomore year of high school was Once Upon A Mattress. I loved it because we got to do this really fun dance called the Spanish Panic and I was one of the ladies in waiting.
- Do you do any theater outside of school?
No, but besides being the assistant director, I teach all of the AST classes, so that keeps me busy.
- How is the show coming?
It’s great! Make sure you get your tickets now because they are selling fast! I was surprised by how much I liked the music in the musical more than the music in the movie. It’s going to be awesome!
- Why should people come to the show?
I think the better question is, why shouldn’t people come? It is the biggest cast we’ve ever had since I’ve been here. We also have a lot of kids from all different grades who have never done theater before and this will be their first show.
Kaitlin McCool
- What is your role?
I am the producer. I do a lot of the paperwork type stuff. I keep track of attendance and do a lot of the ordering i.e. food, tickets, posters, t-shirts, etc. I’m the point person for our ad sales and I help to put the program together. I recruit students to usher the nights of the show and parents to help sell tickets and concessions. A lot of my job doesn’t require me to be at rehearsals like Heidi and Ms. Montgomery, but I just like to be there to help them in anyway that I can and also hang out with the awesome cast.
- Were you involved with musicals when you were in high school?
Musicals were pretty much my life in high school. I did the musicals all four years of high school and, since I went to an all-girls school, I also did the musicals at the all-boys high school down the street from us.Theater is what I miss the most about high school and I’m so thrilled that I get the opportunity to work with these kids. I’m living vicariously through them. Sometimes I have to fight the urge to jump on stage and start dancing right along with them.
- Do you do any theater outside of school?
Yes I am still very much involved in theater. It’s very difficult to balance work and musical theater, but I just love performing way too much to give it up. I’ve been with one particular community theater group for about seven years now, but I’ve also started branching out and doing shows with other community theaters. The latest show that I was in was The Producers back in November. I was one of the featured tap dancers.
- How is the show coming?
I think the show is going very well and I’m so excited to get it in front of an audience. I’m so proud of how far the cast has come and how hard they’ve worked, especially these last couple weeks. I always get nervous that a show isn’t going to come together in time, but somehow it always does. It is such a fun show and I’m very proud of it.
- Why should people come to the show?
Besides the fact that Footloose is just a fun show in general because of all of the singing and dancing, the cool thing about the shows at Haverford is that they are almost completely student lead. Haley Amdur is not only our lead choreographer, but she is also our leading lady. Jack Denman is our musical director and he is better than some adults and professionals that I have worked with. Plus, he’s only a sophomore! The set construction, lights, and sound are all done by students. I don’t think many people realize this, and, in my opinion, that aspect makes our show so much more impressive. I think the end product has to be incredibly rewarding for the kids and they should feel that much more proud of the show. Footloose is jam-packed with some incredibly talented people and it is not a show to be missed!
Again, special thanks to Ms. McCool for her contribution to The Fordian in conducting these interviews.