The Haverford Drama club will put on the popular rock musical ‘Footloose’ next weekend that’ll have you dancin’ in your seat . The show times are as follows: Friday, March 20 at 7:30; Saturday, March 21 at 2:00 and 7:30; Sunday, March 22 at 2:00. Tickets are $5.00 for staff and students, and $10.00 for general admission.
‘Footloose’ revolves around a small town where dancing has been banned, and the experience of the main character “Ren” as he tries to be a good-looking rebel who plays by his own rules, while simultaneously bustin’ stellar dance moves.
Full of catchy songs and a plot that seems to thicken at every turn, ‘Footloose’ is sure to go down in Haverford Drama history as one of the greats. Check it out next weekend!
For the next week and half The Fordian will be counting down the days until the show with a special edition of the paper featuring anecdotes of rehearsals, the cast, and sneak peek pictures.
adviser • Mar 12, 2015 at 3:01 pm
Thank you so very, very much for your commentary. In regards to the use of “bustin” you are correct in that it will actually be a “funky-fab fresh-a-licious poppin’ lockin’ teenage pop diva” style of dance. A style of dance that the stage of Haverford has long yearned for. A yearning that, that can only be satified by an inner funk drive that will power this show. Again, thank you for commenting and the best way (regardless of what I say) to find out would be to go see the show!
Foolia • Mar 12, 2015 at 2:04 pm
pls rite bak tu lala
Lala Peach • Mar 12, 2015 at 2:01 pm
Question about the “stellar” quality of these dance moves: exactly how “bustin” are they? If I plan to invest in a ticket to this highly-acclaimed performance, I require a deeper explanation of the connotation of “bustin.” “Bustin:” a funky-fab fresh-a-licious poppin’ lockin’ teenage pop diva moment? pls write bak 😉