Homecoming 2014 door decorating competition combines class colors and “H-Pride”: Stadnicki’s advisory takes top prize
Senior homeroom, 2015-S, took the top prize in the door decorating competition this year. Advisory teacher Mrs. Jen Stadnicki and her group walked away with the prize with their door that included their slogan, “[We] Started From the Bottom, Now We’re Here,” an allusion to the popular Drake song by the same name.
The door featured a 3D volcano with elementary school and all of high school representing each of the levels. At the top, the students marked their senior year with each member of the homeroom’s senior portrait.
Despite some confusion over the policy change that allowed homerooms to break outside the box of simply using the homecoming dance’s theme of “under the sea,” and instead use a combination of class colors and “H-Pride,” the 2014 door decorating competition ended with 4 other advisories being awarded prizes for each of the grade levels.
For the freshman class, Ms. Jackson’s homeroom (2018-N) won for their orange and green 3D fish, complete with orange twinkle lights and speech balloons with various puns that incorporated the under the sea theme.
For the sophomores, Ms. Chaga’s homeroom (2017-U) took the prize for the second year in a row, after their 2013 door that combined the 1920s with H-Pride won them the freshman spot last year. This year the door was a play on Disney Pixar’s popular movie, Finding Nemo, with the slogan, “Finding H-Pride.” The smaller fish were drawn in football rival, Upper Darby Royals‘, colors, complete with crown, and the larger shark was drawn wearing a Haverford cap.
The winner for the junior class was the combined team effort of Ms. Hartman (2016-G) and Ms. Forgeng’s (2016-F) homerooms. The door prominently displayed the junior class colors of green and white in the form of a Haverford High School “2016 Dollar” bill. The face on the money was a rendering of Vice-Principal, Mr. Jerry Ummarino, and the slogan read, “In Nesbitt We Trust.”
The senior class offered stiff competition, but Mr. Buck’s homeroom (2015-B) won with their secret weapon: the inclusion of a tank with two live goldfish that were appropriately named Goldie and Big Red.
See below for an additional sampling of classroom doors:
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